In addition to the items on display throughout this website, our extensive manufacturing network offers custom product development. Please ask us if you are looking for something that you don’t find. There also are those special times when for reasons of function, style or economy, using an existing item will not give you what you need. Homa Industries is able to assist you in bringing concept to reality.
Our plastics suppliers can mold or extrude a variety of resins to meet your performance specifications and, when needed, blend materials so that they perform under extreme conditions. Working with bent or stamped steel, die cast zinc or casted brass, all finished to meet your look and style, we can provide the little touches to improve your product. The final component can be enhanced by adding personalization or color and then packaged to your requirement. Homa Industries has years of experience in developing assembled parts made up of combinations of metal and plastic components as well as providing completed sub-assemblies.
Whether you simply want to modify an existing part or create something unique, Homa Industries can work from a simple concept drawing and provide you with 2D, 3D and CNC support in order to reach the ultimate goal of building high quality production tools to produce your components. We and our partners stay current with the latest hardware and software available in order to bring you the components that you require in a reasonable period of time and in a cost effective manner. Partner with Homa Industries and our supply chain for your special projects.
“Friendly and fair, they are always there to help!”
"HOMA's experienced staff members really know their extensive product lines. Anyone that answers the phone can help.”
“If you have an odd part that is not in their inventory, they will search for a source for you.”
“I can call up to place an order and have it shipped out the same day.”
“They were able to build a tool to produce a specific piece of plastic hardware for my custom application.”